Monday, May 19, 2008

The People have Spoken

For fifteen years, we the people of South Africa, have been told by our illustrious democratically elected Government that they represent the voice of the people. Yet, the people are not being heard.

Take the recent attacks of so called xenophobia, where the people are voicing their outrage at all the lay-about african foreigners who are transgressing established norms daily. Have the people not spoken?

What about the Kutsong debacle where the people wanted to be incorporated into Gauteng but were told by the Government to behave. Have the people not spoken?

Then there is Eskom. The people have on numerous occasions told the Government that Eskom must stop selling electricity to other countries, to put SA first, only to be told that the whole ‘crisis’ is the peoples doing and that they should behave. Have the people not spoken?

For years, the people have been telling the Government that they are not happy with the way that their tax money is being used. Dictums that have fallen on governmental deaf ears. Have the people not spoken?

The lists of public-outcries are long, and, given the modern state of parliamentary attitudes, will continue to grow exponentially.

The problem arises from the fact that no government can be seen to be loosing face. This scenario creates a sense of distrust amongst the voting citizenry which in turn can lead to anarchy; an administrative condition that no government can allow. Given the a foregoing, the present state of adversarial situations are doomed to continue.

Maybe the present conditions will force our idyllic Government to exude some form of political will and listen to the will of the people.

“Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history. - George Bernard Shaw”

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